
Why would I purchase the VLND token?

If you don't play games, the best way to gain exposure to in-game assets is by purchasing VLND tokens. VLND token holders receive all the upside of a variety of in-game virtual assets, as well as income generated by the use of those assets.

How is the yield on VLND distributed?

The income earned on VLND capital is used to purchase more in-game items, thus increasing the value of each VLND token by the respective income over current VLND in circulation.

Is there a minimum purchase quantity for VLND?


Are there fees associated with purchasing VLND tokens?

There are no fees associated with purchasing VLND tokens. However, there is a management fee of 5.00% per year on all VLND assets under management.

Why purchase VLND on instead of a decentralized exchange (DEX)?

By purchasing on from the "Mint," investors can avoid slippage. In other words, investors can purchase any amount they like without affecting the price.

What chain is VLND minted on?

VLND is minted on Ethereum mainnet.

How do I sell VLND?

The income earned on VLND capital is used to purchase more in game items, thus increasing the value of each VLND token by the respective income over current VLND in circulation.

Last updated